21/03/2025: This page is a work in progress!
Record Claims
Register a Record Flight Claim
Click here to file a Record Flight Claim. Your claim will be reviewed by the IHPA Executive Committee to assess if your flight is valid and that it does not infringe controlled airspace.
Note: Record flight categories are defined in Section 7D (5.1.1) of the FAI Sporting Code. All record flight claims will be assessed using the FAI Sporting Code definitions and rules.
Class O1
Flex-Wing Hang Gliders
Hang gliders having a rigid primary structure with pilot weight-shift as the sole method of control, and which are able to demonstrate consistent ability to safely take-off and land in nil-wind conditions. Subsidiary controls affecting trim and/or drag are permitted, but only if they operate symmetrically.
[Insert O1 DropTable here]
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Class O2
3-Axis Foot-Launch Hang Gliders
Swift – Archaeopteryx – 1Comet
Hang gliders having a rigid primary structure with movable aerodynamic surfaces as the primary method of control, and which are able to demonstrate consistent ability to safely take-off and land in nil-wind conditions.
Class O3
Hang gliders having no rigid primary structure (paragliders), and which are able to demonstrate consistent ability to safely take-off and land in nil-wind conditions.
Class O4
3-Axis Foot-Launch Hang Gliders
Carbon Dragon
Hang gliders that are unable to demonstrate consistent ability to safely take-off and/or land in nil-wind conditions, but otherwise are capable of being launched and landed by the use of the pilotslegs.
Class O5
Rigid Wing Hang Gliders
Atos – Exxtacy – Ghostbuster – Phantom – Tsunami
Hang gliders having a rigid primary structure with movable aerodynamic surfaces as the primary method of control in the role axis and which are able to demonstrate consistent ability to safely take-off and land in nil-wind conditions. No pilot fairings are permitted. No pilot surrounding structures are permitted, apart from a harness and control frame.