Welcome to the IHPA website. The IHPA is the National Association for the sports of Hang Gliding, Paragliding, Paramotoring and Powered Hang Gliding in Ireland. We were founded in 1974 as the Irish Hang Gliding Association and later expanded to include the newer sports of paragliding and foot-launched powered aviation.
The IHPA is a democratic association of pilots run by its members, guided by its Constitution which it adopted in 1997. The IHPA was incorporated in 2009 as a Limited company (Ltd.), and later as a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG).
The Executive Committee is elected by its members at the AGM, and anyone may put their names forward for election. The committee comprises a Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer, the Training & Flight Safety Officer, a Hang Gliding and a Paragliding Competitions Officers. The committee may, and occasionally does, co-opt other members to oversee particular tasks.
Benefits of Membership
Benefits of Membership
What you get for your annual membership fee:
- New members and Student Pilots get their first year's membership (or part thereof) for free! - up to March 31. Just sign the membership form and waivers and pay for your insurance online.
- The IHPA is a democratic association of pilots, run by pilots (volunteers) working together for the good of the sport and to protect the interests of pilots in Ireland.
- Members have a direct say in how the Association is run.
- Members can directly influence how issues affecting all pilots are dealt with – and raise issues to be dealt with.
- Members can directly influence how Association funds are spent – and suggest projects.
- Members benefit from member-to-member liability protection (members can not sue other members.)
- Recognition and Representation at a national and international level.
- Membership of the National Aero Club of Ireland (NACI) - see the Organisation & Afilliations page.
- Free access to accurate, up to the minute weather data from the IHPA weather station on Mt. Leinster.
- Free Coaching and First Aid courses.
- Members can avail of the services of the IHPA's network of Coaches for free.
- More members mean we have a louder voice where it counts (NACI / FAI / ISC / IAA / state bodies / landowners)
- Affiliation (through NACI) to FAI/CIVL – see the Organisation & Afilliations page for the benefits of this.
- FAI/CIVL internationally recognised and accepted Pilot Ratings scheme (Safe Pro & Para Pro) – Non-affiliated schools can not issue ratings and those pilots cannot get IPPI cards.
- FAI / CIVL IPPI cards - for when you want to fly abroad.
- FAI / CIVL Sporting License - for when you want to fly in FAI/CIVL sanctioned international competitions.
- A detailed on-line sites guide - maps / descriptions hazards / photos / pilot's comments.
- Liaison & relations with landowners - this is exceptionally important!
- Christmas Whiskey Run - the IHPA delivers a bottle of whiskey to each of the landowners whose lands we use to fly form or land on.
- Access to gated sites – (Para Pro 3 / Safe Pro 3 and above) - Mt. Leinster - The Galty Mts. - The Comeragh Mts. - Maulin Mt. - Bray Head - Keeper Hill - Devil's Bit.
- Liason with Air Traffic Control - allows IHPA members to fly sites inside controlled air space by agreement.
- Liason with Irish Aviation Authority on regulatory matters and updating airspace maps to include HG/PG flying sites - directly and through GASCI.
- IHPA negotiates bulk insurance deal with insurance companies - and is constantly searching for better cover and better prices.
- An excellent website (though we say so ourselves!)
- A list of all the members of the association around the country and their contact details so that you can find and fly with pilots near you.
- Two open mailing lists to keep pilots informed and to help them fly together.
- The IHPA assists members in competing in free flying competitions outside Ireland, including the World Championships and Pre-Worlds.
- Contact point and liaison for foreign pilots / NGBs.
- Competitions / XC league / Celtic Cup / foreign comps & opens.
- Text alerts for competitions.
- A clear conscience that issues affecting you, your flying and landowners are being taken care of on your behalf.
- You are supporting the sport in Ireland and not taking advantage (as some do) of the work of the IHPA.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but not being a member is taking advantage of the privileges that members of the IHPA have worked hard over the years to gain for all pilots in Ireland, so please do your small part - become a member and help make things better for everyone!
Here are just a few of the ways we put your fees to work for you:
- Assisting members to compete in international competitions.
- Membership of the National Aero Club of Ireland (about €500 per year.)
- Membership of the European Hang Gliding & Paragliding Union (about €80 per year.)
- Website hosting by Internet Service Provider (about €250 per year.)
- Christmas Whiskey for landowners (about €400 per year.)
- Safe Pro and Para Pro Student's Training Record & Log Books - free to schools (about €25 per year.)
- Postage and Stationary (about €200 per year.)
- Other minor expenses incurred in the day to day running of the Association.
- The balance is banked so that the Association has some funds available for special or one-off projects like improving access to a flying site, the International Competitions Bursary or the HG Bursary Scheme.
Officer's travel expenses, to and from the monthly committee meetings, are not paid for by your membership fee - that comes out of their own pockets, as does their time and efforts on your behalf.
Organisation & Affiliations
Organisation & Affiliations
This is somewhat complicated, so pay attention!
- IHPA - The IHPA is the National Association and National Representative Body for the sports of free-flying in Ireland.
- NACI - The National Aero Club of Ireland is recognised by the Irish Sports Council as the National Governing Body representing all air sports in Ireland.
- SI / ISC - Sport Ireland (formally Irish Sports Council) is the statutory body governing all sporting activity in Ireland.
- FAI - The Federation Aeronautique Internationale is the International Governing Body for all air sports and sanctioned competitions around the world.
- CIVL - The Commission Internationale de Vol Libre is the Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission of the FAI.
- EAS - Europe Air Sports.
- EHPU - The European Hang Gliding and Paragliding Union.
- GASCI - The General Aviation Sacety Council of Ireland.
- IAA - The Irish Aviation Authority
The IHPA is a member of the National Aero Club of Ireland and has two seats on the NACI committee to represent IHPA interests.
The IHPA is afilliated to the FAI through the NACI and is a delegate member of CIVL.
The IHPA is recognised by CIVL / FAI as the National Representative Body for free-flying in Ireland (FAI is not interested in the ISC / NACI structure.) The IHPA has two seats on the CIVL council to represent Irish interests.
The IHPA is recognised by the IAA as the National Representative Body for free-flying in Ireland.
The IHPA is a member of the EHPU, and by association, is also a member of EAS.
The IHPA is a founding member of GASCI.
The National Aero Club of Ireland (formally the Irish Aero Club) was formed in 1909 and has evolved into an umbrella group representing all air sports in Ireland. Individual air-sport Associations are members of the NACI, whose Executive Committee is made up from officers of the member-Associations. The NACI is recognised as the National Governing Body for all air sports in Ireland by the Irish Sports Council and is an active member of FAI/CIVL. The NACI is a member of Europe Air Sports. The NACI is the mechanism through which the IHPA can talk to statutory bodies like the Irish Sports Council, Europe Air Sports, the Irish Aviation Authority and FAI/CIVL with the weight and support of all the other air-sports.
Sport Ireland, formally the Irish Sports Council (ISC) is the statutory body tasked with encouraging the promotion of, funding the development of and regulating competitive sports in Ireland. Until 2006 the ISC recognised the IHPA and many other sport-aviation Associations as the NGBs for their individual sports within Ireland. In 2006, however, the ISC decided that individual air sports are, in general, too small to justify individual recognition. ISC asked National Aero Club of Ireland to apply for umbrella body recognition for all air sports. They have taken the same approach with other groups of sports e.g. athletics and equestrian sports. The ISC recognises the National Aero Club of Ireland (NACI) as the National Governing Body for all air sports in this country. The ISC is potentially a large source of funding that would allow the IHPA to sponsor pilots to compete internationally at CIVL / FAI sanctioned events and help the development of the sport in Ireland and help pay for the training of new instructors and the development of the sport in Ireland. It could also assist in opening up new flying sites that at present have no safe or convenient access by road.
The Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) is the International Governing Body for all air sports and sanctioned competitions around the world.
The Commission Internationale de Vol Libre (CIVL) is the branch of FAI (called a commission) that deals with Hang Gliding and Paragliding. Through the NACI, CIVL / FAI provides the IHPA with its internationally recognised Safe Pro and Para Pro Standards of Safety and Training, and provides the Pilot Rating Scheme that is employed here in Ireland. CIVL / FAI also provides the IHPA with International Pilot Proficiency Identity (IPPI) cards which (when used with an IHPA Membership card) are accepted by all other countries to document a pilot's level of training and knowledge. CIVL / FAI further provides IHPA pilots with its Sporting Licence, which is required if pilots wish to compete in CIVL / FAI sanctioned international competitions, like the HG and PG Pre-Worlds and World Championships, and receive a World Pilot Ranking.

The European Hang Gliding and Paragliding Union (EHPU) is an independent, self-governing and non-profit umbrella association for national hang gliding and paragliding associations in Europe, which aims to promote and protect hang gliding and paragliding in Europe. The EHPU seeks in particular to consult with all relevant regulatory authorities in Europe, for the benefit of hang gliding and paragliding. It endeavours to cooperate both with the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) and with Europe Air sports.
Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
IHPA General Ts&Cs
By becoming a member of the IHPA:
1. Agreement to Waiver
I agree to the IHPA Waiver and accept all terms therein until I revoke this agreement in writing.
2. Insurance Requirement
I agree not to engage in hang gliding or paragliding activities unless I have valid and current insurance cover that is acceptable to the IHPA.
I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that my insurance remains valid at all times.
3. Personal Responsibility
I accept full personal responsibility for my actions while participating in hang gliding or paragliding.
I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for the maintenance, airworthiness, and overall condition of my flying equipment.
4. Safety Responsibility
I acknowledge and accept that I am personally responsible for my own safety at all times while engaging in hang gliding or paragliding activities.
5. Consideration for Others
I agree not to endanger other pilots or members of the public by my actions, whether in the air or on the ground. I will exercise caution and sound judgment in all my flying activities to minimize risk to myself and others.
6. Respect for Others
I agree to respect other pilots both in the air and on the ground, as well as members of the public.
I agree to respect the landowners from whose property I may launch from or land on, and will comply with any conditions they impose.
7. Compliance with IHPA Rules
I agree to abide by the IHPA Rules of the Air and any additional regulations or guidelines issued by the IHPA from time to time.
8. Prohibition on Commercial Tandem Flights
I agree not to accept money or any other form of consideration if I offer another person a tandem flight.
I understand that tandem flights must be conducted in accordance with IHPA policies and regulations as set out in the IHPA Operations Manual
9. Leave No Trace Commitment
I agree to follow the principles of Leave No Trace when flying at all sites. I will make every effort to minimize my environmental impact and respect the guidelines outlined by Leave No Trace Ireland.
10. Amendments and Compliance
I acknowledge that the IHPA reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions as necessary. It is my responsibility to stay informed of any changes and to comply with all IHPA regulations and guidelines at all times.
By participating in IHPA activities, I confirm that I have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions.
IHPA Waiver
GDPR Statement
GDPR Statement
We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. By providing your consent, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy available on the Irish Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (IHPA) website.
You are being asked to give your explicit consent for the IHPA to collect, use, store, and archive your personal data to manage your membership and our relationship with you effectively, lawfully, and appropriately. In doing so, the IHPA aims to protect your rights and interests as well as complying with legal obligations.
You can request a copy of the personal data we hold about you at any time and may request its deletion if you no longer wish for us to retain it.
Your agreement that you give your explicit consent for the IHPA to process your personal data as outlined above is confirmed by ticking the terms and conditions box (when joining the IHPA or updating your membership profile) and shall have the same legal validity as a written signature of consent.
If you have any queries regarding GDPR and your data held by the IHPA, please email
IHPA Privacy Policy
Last Updated: 18th Mar 2025
This Data Privacy Statement will be reviewed from time to time to consider changes in the law and the experience of the notice in practice. This policy explains the what, how, and why of the information we collect when you visit one of our pages, or when you use our Services. It also explains the specific ways we use and disclose that information. We take your privacy extremely seriously, and we never sell or share any of your data to a 3rd Party.
If you have any queries in relation to this Data Privacy Statement, or if you have any concerns or comments, or if you want to update, delete, or change any personal information we hold, or as to how your data is processed, please email:
1. About the Irish Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association
The IHPA is the National Association for the sports of Hang Gliding and Paragliding (known collectively as free flying), in Ireland. The IHPA is recognised by the Irish Aviation Authority and Sports Ireland as the representative national governing body of the sports of hangliding and paragliding in Ireland and is a member of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), European Hang Gliding and Paragliding Union (EHPU) and the National Aero Club of Ireland (NACI).
The IHPA was founded in 1974 as the Irish Hangliding Association and in the late 1980’s expanded to include the newer sport of paragliding. The IHPA works to promote free flying sports in Ireland, and to develop training and operating guidelines in consultation with aviation regulators and National Authorities as well as liaising with landowners and the farming community to allow pilots to take off and land in their property.
These definitions should help you understand this policy.
- When we say ‘we, us, our’, we are referring to the ‘Irish Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association’.
- When we say ‘members’ or ‘subject’ we are referring to the person that is registered with us to avail of the services of the IHPA.
- When we say “you,” we are referring either to a ‘member’ or to some other person who visits our website.
We provide online platforms that you may use to connect with us or stay in contact with others. These platforms allow for creating, sending messages or other information for the benefit of our members or visitors to our website (the “Services”).
We offer the Services on our website www.ihpa.ie. This Privacy Policy applies to this specific website, as well as any other sites or mobile applications owned or operated by us (each a “Website” and together with the “Websites”). The “Websites” include the Websites themselves, and any web pages, interactive features, applications, widgets, blogs, social networks, social network “tabs,” or other online, mobile, or wireless offerings that post a link to this Privacy Policy, whether accessed via computer, mobile device, or other technology, manner or means.
2. About this Privacy Policy
We have created this Data Privacy Statement as the controller of personal data for visitors to this website, for prospects, members, and former members. This notice aims to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy and to inform people dealing with us about the information we collect and process in connection with such interaction.
This privacy statement sets out an explanation of what personal data about you we process, why we process your personal data, with whom your personal data is shared and a description of your rights with respect to your personal data.
3. What Personal Data do we Process?
We need to keep and process certain personal data about you to manage the IHPA, for management purposes and to comply with our legal obligations. We will collect and process personal data from you during your visit on this website, during our mutual relationship and following the termination of our relationship. Personal data is obtained directly from you voluntarily and with your consent.
‘Personal Information’ means any information that identifies or can be used to identify you directly or indirectly, including, but not limited to, first and last name, gender, date of birth, email address, training documentation, photograph for licences, insurance documentation, emergency contact details, IP address.
4. How do we use your data?
The information we hold, and process will be used for management and administrative purposes. We keep it and use your data to:
- Enable us to run the association
- Manage membership and event participation
- Process payments and financial transactions
- Manage our relationship with you effectively, lawfully, and appropriately
- Protect your rights, safety (e.g. flying activities and safety updates e.g. Temporary Restricted Areas) and interests
- Comply with legal obligations
- Pursue our legitimate interests as an Association of pilots
- Protect ourselves in the event of legal proceedings against the association
The uses we make of each category of your personal data, together with the lawful basis we rely on for those uses, are set out in more detail below.
Where there is a need to process your data for a purpose other than those set out in the policy or otherwise outlined to you, we will inform you of this and seek your consent.
5. How is your personal data shared?
Your personal data may be disclosed to third parties where we are legally obliged to do so. We may occasionally need to supply general details (i.e. the number of members in the Association) to an accountant or the IAA / NACI / EHPU, but we never pass members’ personal data to anyone outside the Committee.
More detailed information on how we share your personal data is set out below.
6. Will your Personal Data be transferred abroad?
No. The ‘IHPA’ website is hosted on WebWorld Ireland.
This website is owned and maintained by Sternforth Limited trading as WebWorld Ireland (https://www.webworld.ie). WebWorld are registered in Ireland under LRN261401 and their registered office is at Unit B15, South City Business Centre, Dublin 24, D24N79F, Ireland. All data held on the Webservers is held in servers in Ireland.
WebWorld uses SiteLock™ which undertakes daily malware scanning to identify vulnerabilities and known malicious code and automatically removes it from the IHPA website to protect the website and visitors against threats. All the data the IHPA holds on its members is stored in an SQL database on the WebWorld website server.
The database can only be accessed by the website software itself or by the IHPA Website administrator. In both cases a password is required. The password consists of a 12-digit-random-alphanumeric sequence.
The transfer of personal data is explained in more detail below.
7. How long do we keep your personal data?
Any personal data processed about you on this website is retained in accordance with our record retention policy:
- Website logs: The IHPA website does not gather or retain any data on any users.
- Enquiries: The only way for an enquiry (or registered member, logged-in or not) to be made through the website is through the 'Contact Us' link on the website. The website will generate a blank pro-forma email to be opened with simply the IHPA recipient's email address and a suitable subject line on the user's own laptop. No processing beyond that occurs and no data from the enquiry is stored on the website.
- Pilot Membership Records: Registered members of the IHPA are maintained in an active state by being renewed annually by members. In the case a member does not renew their membership for over 3 years, their account becomes dormant and only minimal data is retained to record Pilot training qualification record as below.
- Visiting Pilot Membership Records: All Visiting Pilot Membership records will be deleted at the end of each year.
- Pilot Membership Mailing list: Data relevant to mail annual membership badges is retained for up to 2 years after membership expires or member is deceased. Then members names are removed from the IHPA mailing list.
- Financial records: 7 years (for tax compliance)
- Pilot Training Qualifications and Record: Each pilot provides the IHPA with documentation and contact details, if necessary, of their Training Schools and Instructors to validate their qualifications. Pilots can take extended breaks from the sport and regularly seek to re-enrol after many years with the expectation that the IHPA will retain their training records. A limited amount of this training information (name, date of birth, instructor and Training School) is archived as there may be no other record available (training school closed, etc.). All retained data can be deleted if requested by the pilot or deleted by the member personally, through the relevant link on their membership profile.
8. What happens if you do not provide us with your personal data?
In some cases, you may decline to provide us with your personal data. If we believe that we require relevant personal data to effectively and properly manage our contractual relationship, we may not be able to continue our relationship with you.
9. Will you be subject to profiling and automated decision making?
You will not be subject to profiling or automated decision making.
10. What are your rights under the data protection laws?
You have the following rights under data protection law:
- Information Request: the right to receive a copy of and/or access the personal data that we hold about you, together with other information about our processing of that personal data
- Update Data: the right to request that any inaccurate data that is held about you is corrected, or if we have incomplete information, you may request that we update the information such that it is complete
- Data Deletion: the right, in certain circumstances, to request that we erase your personal data in line with legal requirements
- Restrict Processing / Object to Processing: the right, in certain circumstances, to request that we no longer process your personal data for purposes, or object to our use of your personal data or the way in which we process it
- Data Portability: the right, in certain circumstances, to transfer your personal data to another organisation
- Review Automated Decisions: the right to object to automated decision making and/or profiling
- File a Complaint: the right to complain to the Data Protection Commissioner
Please note that your ability to exercise these rights may be subject to certain condition.
11. Details of Processing Activities
When you are a member of the IHPA
All the data the IHPA holds on its members is stored in an SQL database on the WebWorld website server. Each IHPA member is given a unique identified number which limits the amount of data visible on the WebWorld server. The database can only be accessed by the website software itself or by the system administrator. In both cases a password is required. The password consists of a 12-digit-random-alphanumeric sequence.
On entering your personal data as an IHPA member, you have the option to choose the level of visibility of your data. The default of the IHPA website is to make all data entered private. You have the option to make your information open to public viewing if you so wish.
Personal data processed
- Your first and last name
- Gender
- Date of birth
- Email address
- Training documentation
- Photograph for identification and licence applications
- Waiver Documentation
- Insurance Documentation
- Emergency contact details
- Flying Equipment
- Pilot rating
- CIVL/FAI Identification
- Your IP address- WebWorld Ireland records your IP address, browser, and operating system in temporary server log files. They do not use data to build profiles or identify individuals. Temporary server logs are used for operational purposes only.
Purpose and lawful basis for processing of your personal data
- Consent: Pilots give their explicit consent to the IHPA to process their personal data.
- Contractual obligations: Information from your enquiry is collected to manage your request.
- To provide information to representatives and advisors, including legal representatives and accountants, to help us comply with legal, accounting, or security requirements.
- To prosecute and defend a court, arbitration, or similar legal proceeding.
- To respond to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.
Sharing of personal data
- Enquiries are shared and allocated to the relevant IHPA committee member.
When you are a Visiting Pilot with IHPA Guest Membership
Visiting pilots to Ireland are asked to register with the association.
All the data the IHPA holds on any of its members is stored in an SQL database on the WebWorld website server. Each IHPA member is given a unique identified number which limits the amount of data visible on the WebWorld server. The database can only be accessed by the website software itself or by the system administrator. In both cases a password is required. The password consists of a 12-digit-random-alphanumeric sequence.
On entering your personal data as an IHPA member, you have the option to choose the level of visibility of your data. The default of the IHPA website is to make all data entered private. You have the option to make your information open to public viewing if you so wish.
Personal data processed
- Your first and last name
- Gender
- Date of birth
- Email address
- Training documentation
- Photograph
- Waiver Documentation
- Insurance Documentation
- Emergency contact details
- Flying Equipment
- Pilot rating
- CIVL/FAI Identification
- IP address
- Your IP address- WebWorld Ireland records your IP address, browser, and operating system in temporary server log files. They do not use data from to build profiles or identify individuals. Temporary server logs are used for operational purposes only.
Purpose and lawful basis for processing of your personal data
- Consent: Pilots give their explicit consent to the IHPA to process their personal data.
- Contractual obligations: Information from your enquiry is collected to manage your request.
- To provide information to representatives and advisors, including legal representatives and accountants, to help us comply with legal, accounting, or security requirements.
- To prosecute and defend a court, arbitration, or similar legal proceeding.
- To respond to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.
Sharing of personal data
- Enquiries are shared and allocated to the relevant IHPA committee member. In the case of guest membership, requests for guest membership is managed by the IHPA Website Administrator or Chairperson.
As a visitor to the website
The IHPA website does not gather or retain any data on guest users. The only way for a guest (or registered member, logged-in or not) to make a request through the website, is through the 'Contact Us' form or by clicking on a contact link elsewhere on the website.
Personal data processed
- Your IP address- WebWorld Ireland records your IP address, browser, and operating system in temporary server log files. They do not use data to build profiles or identify individuals. Temporary server logs are used for operational purposes only.
- The page viewed
- The time the page was viewed
- The browser you used to view the page.
- We do not cross reference the log with the enquiry, but we reserve the right to do so should we be concerned about the security of our operations.
Purpose and lawful basis for processing of your personal data
- Legitimate interest: To have a record of access to the website.
Sharing of personal data
- No personal data is gathered, shared or retained on any guest users of the IHPA website.
When you purchase membership
Personal data processed
We collect
- your name, email address, phone, address
- comments
- the membership or services you purchase from us
Purpose and lawful basis for processing of your personal data
Contractual obligations: We collect the information so we can handle your account to keep your information up to date.
Sharing of personal data
- When making a payment, payment will be through online banking or PayPal where possible. Members will be provided with banking details to transfer money. We do not hold any banking details on members.
- Invoices are stored on the website software and accessible to members through their profile under their Membership tab.
12. Notice of Breach of Security
If a security breach causes an unauthorized intrusion into our system that materially affects you or people in your community, then we will notify you within 72hrs and later report the action we took in response.
13. Update of Privacy Policy
This IHPA will update this policy at regular intervals. Members will have an opportunity to review the update when renewing their membership details.
14. Cookies
How we use your information
This privacy notice tells you what to expect when we collect personal information. It applies to information we collect about:
- Visitors to our websites.
- People who use our services, e.g. enquire about membership or services
Use of cookies by us
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.
Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit www.aboutcookies.org or www.allaboutcookies.org.
Cookie Use for Visitors to the IHPA website
When someone visits the IHPA website, the only cookies that the website uses are what are called 'functional cookies', such as when you voluntarily tick the ‘Remember Me’ box when logging into the website. Those cookies are stored on your laptop and not on the WebWorld server. You can clear or delete these cookies at any time through your browser tools.
We do not make any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website. We will not associate any data gathered from this site with any personally identifying information from any source.
If we do want to collect personally identifiable information through our website, we will be up front about this. We will make it clear when we collect personal information and will explain what we intend to do with it.
Use of cookies by 3rd Parties
Social media platforms and widgets.
The IHPA maintains a presence on social media platform Facebook. The sole purpose of this private group is to facilitate sharing of social content and useful information amongst IHPA members and guests to the group.
Social media features and widgets are hosted by a third party.
NOTE: Any information, communications, or materials you submit to us via a social media platform is done at your own risk without any expectation of privacy. We cannot control the actions of other users of these platforms or the actions of the platforms themselves. Your interactions with those features and platforms are governed by the privacy policies of the companies that provide them. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy policy of any Website you visit.