
Notes to Proof Readers

This IHPA Operations Manual is substantially the same as the BHPA Technical Manual. Where it deviates from the BHPA Technical Manual is in how the various systems are overseen and administered. The UK has a large number of pilots (several thousand) from which the BHPA is able to draw willing volunteers with the necessary expertise and experience to populate the numerous Panels and sub-committees within the BHPA. We don't have that luxury here in Ireland, and all the work of running and overseeing the various systems must be carried out by the Committee and a much smaller number of appointments.

The current BHPA Technical Manual can be downloaded >>here.<< Please download a copy and refer to it when reviewing the IHPA Operations Manual.

Your job as a Proof Reader

As you read through this Ops Manual (making note of any grammatical or spelling errors!) please consider whether the requirements and systems described are appropriate and/or sufficient to the task in hand or whether you think they are too restrictive. Think about how the various systems are to be administered and overseen (and by whom.)

In the BHPA Technical Manual the Flying and Safety Committee is multi-layered and comprises many sub-panels specialising in specific areas of expertise and inquiry.  In an effort to simplify matters and to make them more practical to our circumstances (vastly fewer members) I have moved the work and responsibility of all of these sub-panels onto the main Flying and Safety Committee.

Remember that any alternative proposals must be practical, workable and appropriate for the number of pilots in this country. I have omitted some sections of the BHPA Tech Manual (largely the details of Administration) which I felt were not entirely appropriate to such a small organisation as the IHPA - if I have gone too far... say so!

The IHPA Operations Manual is intended to be a living document that will develop with the sport and as circumstances and pilot numbers change with time. It is not intended to be a static document written in stone that cannot be changed.

Operator Endorsements - re: valuable consideration - the current requirements comply with UK law. The IAA have yet to specify what the requirements will be here.

Operator Endorsements - re: coaches - the BHPA coaching system is multi-layered, with Senior Coaches, Club Coaches and various other degrees of coaches. I think this is overkill for our needs and circumstances at the moment, and I propose to reduce this simply to:

  • Club Coach - to assist and progress new hill-launch pilots
  • Power Coach - to assist existing IPPI-3 pilots to gain a PPG and PHG skill endorsement (subject to IAA approval of this system.)
  • Tow Coach - to assist existing IPPI-3 pilots to gain a tow (winch launch) skill endorsement.

Sections of this Ops Manual that require specific review / approval by the IAA

  • Introduction - legislation
  • Introduction - regulation
  • Operator endorsing - tandem (for valuable consideration) / passenger membership conditions
  • Operator endorsing - aerotow
  • Safety requirements and practices - alcohol / drugs (specific wording from Irish Air Navigation Order required)
  • Accident-reporting-and-investigation - investigating and reporting / reportable accidents
  • FLPA (flying with a motor / power unit.)