Join us!

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If you have already registered an account on the IHPA website then please log-in and go to 'Profile - View My Profile - Membership' to renew your membership.

New members may choose this option if they wish to support the Association by paying the membership fee.

Thank you for being a member of the IHPA!

1 April 2025 - 31 March 2026 (valid from now on) for  50.00

New MemberNew members should choose this plan to receive free membership up to next March 31st.




15 April 2025 - 14 April 2026 (valid from now on) for Free

IHPA Logo Banner   IHPATemporary membership for pilots visiting and flying in Ireland for up to three months.

90 days for Free

Read This Carefully!


IHPA Ltd   Waiver ThumbnailIHPA Release, Waiver & Assumption of Risk Agreement.

Left Arrow Click on the document image to the left to download the document

Before you can complete the IHPA on-line membership registration process you must print out the IHPA Release, Waiver & Assumption of Risk Agreement. It is a legal document requiring your signature and that of a witness.

• Fill in your name and address
• Sign and date the bottom of the form
• A witness must sign and date the form below your signature
• The witness must provide their address

Once you have completed this form, scan or photograph it, making sure that the final image:

• Is clearly readable and suitably cropped
• Is at least 768 pixels wide x 1024 pixels high
• Is saved in .jpg or .gif file format
• Does not exceed 5120Kb (5Mb)

If you can neither scan nor photograph the completed document then you must send the form back to the IHPA Membership Secretary by ordinary post. You can contact the IHPA Treasurer at

Your IHPA membership will not become active or valid until the IHPA is in possession of a correctly completed, signed and witnessed waiver form and a copy of your insurance document.

Passport Style Photograph

You will also need the following to complete the rest of your on-line membership registration:

• A copy of your insurance policy document in .pdf or .jpg or .gif format only (.pdf format preferred.)

• A passport style photograph for your membership card. Photo should be 250 pixels wide x 300 pixels high, in .gif or .jpg format

If you have any difficulty doing any of the above please contact who will be happy to help you out.


Insurance Discount: Axa Insurance are offering a 10% discount to IHPA members. To obtain the discount you need to supply Axa with your IHPA Membership/NAC number, which you can find, after completing the membership registration process, by logging-in to the IHPA website and going to 'My Profile'. Once you have registered an account on the IHPA website, go to Home - Insurance Cover for Pilots and follow the instructions there to buy insurance.

Please remember to upload your new Insurance Policy Document to your profile once you receive it. Your IHPA membership will not be fully activated until you do this. Contact if you need help or have any questions.

Personal Details


Contact Details

Legal Documents

Upload your signed and witnessed Waiver:

Your file must be of pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp type. Your file should not exceed 5 MBs.
Select file
By uploading, you certify that you have the right to distribute this file.

Upload your insurance document:

Upload your Pilot Rating or License Document

If you have an existing Pilot Rating or License document issued by another National Governing Body, please upload a scan or photograph of it here. Please include both sides of the document in the image you upload. Acceptable file formats: .pdf, .jpg, .gif, .png.

All pilot ratings and licenses will be verified by the IHPA with the original issuing authority.

In Case of Emergency!

In the event of my being involved in a serious accident, I would like the IHPA to contact:

Wings, Harness & Parachute Details

Record the serial number, make and model of your wings and harnesses here in case they are lost or stolen. You will need these details if you ever want to claim on your insurance.


Upload a passport style photo

This photo will appear on your Membership Card, and should show just your head and shoulders, without head gear - no hat, helmet or sunglasses.
...and remember to smile! ;-)

Your image file must be of gif, png, jpg, jpeg, webp type. Your image file should not exceed 2 MBs. Images exceeding the maximum width of 250 will be resized. Images exceeding the maximum height of 300 will be resized.
Select image file
By uploading, you certify that you have the right to distribute this image.

FAI & CIVL Details

Enter these optional details if you have them.

Required field | Field visible on your profile | Field not visible on profile
Having difficulties registering?
Email and we'll sort you out!