Hang Gliding Trophies
HG XC Trophy
Hang Gliding Cross Country Trophy
Awarded to the HG pilot who made the longest XC during the year
HG XC Championship
Hang Gliding Cross Country Championship Trophy
Awarded to the HG pilot who clocks up the most distance in the XC League during the year
(only the best 5 flights count)
HG Comps Trophy
Hang Gliding Competitions Trophy
The Shane O’Reilly Memorial Trophy
Awarded to the HG pilot who clocks up the highest number of points in the IHPA Competitions League during the year
Trevor Wilde Award
Trevor Wilde Award
The Pilots Trophy
Awarded by the membership for outstanding contributions to the sport during the year
Did you win (or do you know who won) this trophy in any of the blank years?
Please help us to fill in the blanks in the IHPA Hall of Fame!
Celtic Cup
The Celtic Cup
International Hang Gliding Championship between the Great Celtic Nations of
Ireland – Scotland – Wales – Iceland – Isle of Man
Click here for an RTE interview about the 1981 Celtic Cup
Paragliding Trophies
PG XC Trophy
Paragliding Cross Country Trophy
Awarded to the PG pilot who made the longest XC during the year
PG XC League
Paragliding Cross Country League
(formally the Millennium Falcon Trophy)
Awarded to the PG pilot who clocks up the most distance in the XC League during the year (only the best 5 flights count)
The original Millennium Falcon trophy was donated to the IHPA by paraglider pilot John Penfold.
Originally awarded to “The Pilot’s Pilot (PG)” by popular acclaim at the AGM, it was rededicated 2004 as
The IHPA PG XC League Trophy after the Trevor Wilde Trophy was opened up to both HG and PG pilots.
After its own brief XC (from a clumsy pilot’s hands to the pavement) it was subsequently renamed The Millennium Jigsaw… but you can hardly see the cracks! Nice one Jason!
In 2018, having suffered further 'ablation', the Millinneum Falcon trophy was retired and replaced with a shiny new trophy plate!
PG XC Comps Trophy
Paragliding Competitions Trophy
Presented to the winner of the IHPA Paragliding Competitions League
(league requires at least 5 tasks to be run to validate)
Trevor Wilde Award
Trevor Wilde Award
The Pilots Trophy
Awarded by the membership for outstanding contributions to the sport during the year
Did you win (or do you know who won) this trophy in any of the blank years?
Please help us to fill in the blanks in the IHPA Hall of Fame!
Irish Records
Irish Record Flights - On the Island of Ireland
21/03/2025: This page is a work in progress!
Record Claims
Register a Record Flight Claim
Click here to file a Record Flight Claim. Your claim will be reviewed by the IHPA Executive Committee to assess if your flight is valid and that it does not infringe controlled airspace.
Note: Record flight categories are defined in Section 7D (5.1.1) of the FAI Sporting Code. All record flight claims will be assessed using the FAI Sporting Code definitions and rules.
Class O1
Flex-Wing Hang Gliders
Hang gliders having a rigid primary structure with pilot weight-shift as the sole method of control, and which are able to demonstrate consistent ability to safely take-off and land in nil-wind conditions. Subsidiary controls affecting trim and/or drag are permitted, but only if they operate symmetrically.
[Insert O1 DropTable here]
Droptable id="3" range="1,1,150,8" align="none" filter="0" sort="0" download="0" sortcolumn="0" sortorder="0"]
Class O2
3-Axis Foot-Launch Hang Gliders
Swift – Archaeopteryx – 1Comet
Hang gliders having a rigid primary structure with movable aerodynamic surfaces as the primary method of control, and which are able to demonstrate consistent ability to safely take-off and land in nil-wind conditions.
Class O3
Hang gliders having no rigid primary structure (paragliders), and which are able to demonstrate consistent ability to safely take-off and land in nil-wind conditions.
Class O4
3-Axis Foot-Launch Hang Gliders
Carbon Dragon
Hang gliders that are unable to demonstrate consistent ability to safely take-off and/or land in nil-wind conditions, but otherwise are capable of being launched and landed by the use of the pilotslegs.
Class O5
Rigid Wing Hang Gliders
Atos – Exxtacy – Ghostbuster – Phantom – Tsunami
Hang gliders having a rigid primary structure with movable aerodynamic surfaces as the primary method of control in the role axis and which are able to demonstrate consistent ability to safely take-off and land in nil-wind conditions. No pilot fairings are permitted. No pilot surrounding structures are permitted, apart from a harness and control frame.
Mt. Leinster Memorial
The Mt. Leinster Memorial
Erected following the tragic death of Shane O'Reilly during the 2003 Celtic Cup
held at Mt. Leinster, this plaque remembers three IHPA pilots who lost their lives
pursuing the sport they loved, and serves as a permanent reminder that
life is both fragile and precious beyond measure.
Fearless I direct my flight
To the vast Olympian Height:
Thence at random, I repair,
Wafted in the whirling air;
With an eddy wind, and strong
Over all the fields of song.
Let me live and let me sing
Like a bird upon the wing.
- Aristophanes c400BC
IHPA World Records!
IHPA World Records
FAI / CIVL Certified World Records
Ireland 10 Jul 1989 107.1 miles Liavan Mallin Female Horseshoe Meadows, Owens Valley, CA, USA
Class 1 Hang Glider Airwave Magic IV Straight distance to a declared goal
Ireland 13 Jul 1989 132.0 miles Liavan Mallin Female Horseshoe Meadows, Owens Valley, CA, USA
Class 1 Hang Glider Airwave Magic IV Straight distance to a declared goal
Irish Aero Club
Irish Aero Club
The Irish Aero Club 1909
The National Aero Club of Ireland 2009
The photo, below, was was also taken in the same location, on the 30th November 2009, to mark the Centenary of the IAC, now renamed
The National Aero Club of Ireland

[photo: 30 Nov 2009 - Left - Right (back row): 2L-Symeon Charalabides IHPA - 4L Sebastian van der Meijden IHPA - 7L Philip Lardner IHPA - 12L Graham Tobin IHPA - 14L Dara Hogan IHPA - 16L Eoin Hogan IHPA]
Pioneers of Irish Hang Gliding
Pioneers of Irish Hang Gliding
Gilbert McGlennon (25th Aug 2014): I found this video clip in some VHS tapes that were transposed from 8mm movie film. The quality is not good because of 3 media changes. It shows the late Joe Kerrigan with a glider he built and flew himself around 1973 and 1974. The clip shows the first outing with the glider at Lyre near Macroom Co.Cork. It is believed that was the first hanglider flown in Ireland, although I am not sure of that. Joe was certainly one of the pioneers of the sport in Ireland.
[hdplay videoid=4]
IHPA Archive Dungeon!
IHPA Archive Dungeon!
Enter the IHPA Archives Dungeon...
Welcome to the Dungeon!

Photographic Evidence!
IHGA AGMs - The Evidence!
Unfortunately history also records (in shocking detail... and in colour) the more colourful side of the IHGA's AGMs...
The Garda Síochána would like to thank Mike O'Brien for turning State's Evidence (super-grass) by providing the following:
Some of the 'themes' for past AGMs have included... Tarts & Vicars... Drag... Cowboys & Indians... Knackers... Black & White Minstrals... Naughty Skool Kids & Teachers... Doctors, Nurses & Patients... Top Hat & Tails or Ball-gowns... to name but a few!
In recent years the AGM has become all too sensible and professional, and has lost it's appeal for members to attend!
So... would you be more tempted to attend an IHPA AGM if the emphasis was on fun and craic!?
Who wants to attend a board meeting when you can take a walk on the wild side!
Write to your local councillor and demand a change!!
And just to prove that some aviation really did get committed the next day...
Above: Finbarr Warren
Old IHGA Rave 2023
Old IHGA Hangies Rave at Stretch Thompson's
26 June 2023
Still above ground and Raving Against the Dying of the Light!