Let someone know where you are at all times

Whether you are simply ridge soaring alone or with friends, or planning to fly XC, make sure that someone you trust knows where you are at all times who can raise the alarm if you don't return home as expected. If you are unlucky enough to be injured and unable to call for help, a mobile phone based tracking app could just save your life. There are many apps to choose from, but whichever one you choose to use, make sure that your friend or partner knows how to use it and what to do if you don't check in by an agreed time.

WhatsApp 'Live Locaton' feature is the most basic form of tracking, but is an app tht almost everyone already has on their phones. Setting up this feature is quick and easy - read about it here.

Other dedicated tracking apps commonly used by pilots in our sport are:

  • Tracker - by Richard Hunt. A very simple to operate app that sends a map pin (and other data) to a friend's phone at specified intervals.

  • Loctome - A cloud platform that allows live monitoring of athletes through GPS location, along with other data such as altitude, speed, accumulated altitude, distance traveled, etc.

I'm sure there are many other apps out there (for both Android and Apple phones) which pilots use that I am not aware of. If you have any suggestions, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I'll add them to the list.

The idea is to get pilots using one (any one) of these apps to improve their personal safety and help locate them in case of an accident.

Three Steps to Hang Gliding

 Three Steps to Hang Gliding

Free Flight Magazine


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Freestyle Hang Gliding

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Wallaby Ranch Hang Gliding


USHPA Magazine


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IHPA Flying Sites Guide

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Learn to fly with Paraglide Adventure


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