A Bungee Launch System
Some photos of a bungee launch system used by Jac Bott, in France, to launch his Swift Light.
Bungee cord approx 12-14mm diameter
- https://estoma.de/rubbercords/attachment/124/gummiseile-doppelumflechtung?c=75
- http://www.sandowtechnic.com/produit.php?p=Sa&;langue=en - this stuff has 3x more elastic strength than standard bungee, so their 10mm cord is the same as standard 14mm cords.
- Tost rings and releases: http://www.tost.de/Eindex.html - details of a DIY release will be posted later (after testing... in 2016.)
Six lengths of bungee (3 + 3) anchored in a V formation, with a Tost glider release gate anchored to the ground behind the glider.
{gallery}carbon-dragon/CD Articles/Bungee Launch System{/gallery}